Our History & Milestones

Khazanah commenced operations in 1994, assuming a custodial role in managing the Government’s commercial assets and investing in strategic and high-technology sectors. In 2004, we undertook an expanded and more active investment approach, which includes enhancing the performance of our existing core holdings while seeking opportunities in new economic sectors and geographies.

The timeline below highlights our key milestones since 1994:

  • Launch of Future Malaysia Programme under Dana Impak to spur the local start-up ecosystem
  • Joint venture with Sunway Education Group (“SEG”) to establish 42 Malaysia (“42MY”), an innovative peer-to-peer computer science school 
  • Successfully priced a USD1.5bn dual-tranche senior offering, comprising 5-year USD750 million Sukuk due 2028 and a 10-year USD750 million conventional bond due 2033 (the “Securities”).
  • Khazanah invested in homegrown full-stack InsurTech company, PolicyStreet, to enhance protection for Malaysia’s underserved market
  • Khazanah spearheads green investment platform through UEM Group to attract new direct investments into Malaysia
  • Khazanah partnered with Antler, a global venture capital firm to invest in Malaysia
  • Khazanah and Khazanah Research Institute, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, launches Community Report titled “Mobilizing Investments for Clean Energy in Malaysia”
  • CDP Group and Khazanah Nasional Berhad signs MoU, strengthening economic relations and promote two-way investments
  • Khazanah Impact Innovation Challenge 2023 “Tackling the Climate Challenge for Malaysia’s Food Security”
  • Khazanah Residency Programmes introduced a new programme under Sustainabiliy pillar.
  • Galeri Khazanah continues with its third virtual exhibition
  • 8,381 youths have been trained and placed under the Khazanah Youth Development Programme (K-Youth)
  • Taman Tugu received more than 1 million visitors since commencing operations in 2018
  • Khazanah Research Institute completed 39 research publications across topics such as shelter and urban poverty, youth, jobs and unemployment, climate change, financialisation, food, security, agriculture, and digital transformation in 2023
  • Yayasan Hasanah allocated RM54.2 million in grants for projects related to education, community development, environment, arts & public spaces, social enterprise and rural infrastructure. 18 Malaysian Textile Artisans Recognised at the Prestigious Hasanah Gold Threads Awards 2023.
  • Supported by YH, Think City completed a Climate Resilience Baseline Study for Kuala Kangsar, incorporating findings into a strategy to address climate change challenges effectively.
  • Think City launched Urban Greening Grants in Penang to promote nature-based solutions for climate change.
  • Think City initiated the SEACAR Alliance at COP28, a coalition with Boston Consulting Group & WWF, emphasising the importance of nature-based solutions, climate analytics, and AI in advancing city and community resilience.
  • Think City completed a Climate-resilient Street Tree Species Study (CRSTS), providing climate resilience & vulnerability data for 220 species.