We take a firm-wide approach to Sustainability – covering how we behave as an investor as well as how the organisation goes about our daily work. Our approach is designed to be holistic and focuses on issues which impact us and our portfolio most from a business materiality point of view.
We have made public commitments towards ensuring that ESG and responsible investor practices are integrated within our investment processes, including:
As an organisation, we strive to embed sustainability within our cultural and behavioural practices. To this end, actions we have taken include:
We believe that being a good corporate citizen not only drives business success but also plays a role in creating wider impact.
To this end, we continue to catalyse positive change in the environment and surrounding communities, towards creating a better future for the nation.
Embedding sustainability into our investment decision-making processes
Embedding sustainability into our day-to-day practices, including through contributions to society and communities
We continue to implement sustainability enablers across our organisation with the aim of building our internal capabilities and capacity to address sustainability issues. The sustainability enablers we have implemented include: