Our Performance

Our Portfolio

In pursuing Khazanah’s overall mandate, our investments are organised based on the following investment structure: Investments Portfolio, Dana Impak Portfolio, Developmental Assets, and Special Situations each established with distinct objectives, policies and strategies as defined in our Investment Policy statement.

Overall Khazanah Portfolio
Investments Portfolio Dana Impak Portfolio Developmental Assets Special Situations

Investments with commercial returns expectations


Investments with clearly defined targeted socioeconomic outcomes


Long term developmental investments with the potential to deliver economic impact

Assets which require turnaround in terms of profitability and sustainable operating cash flows

Continue portfolio rebalancing efforts towards the target Strategic Asset Allocation (“SAA”)

Plan and execute investments across the 6 identified themes to deliver measurable socioeconomic impact

Continue shepherding companies towards long-term financial sustainability

Active management to resolve assets faced with severely challenging situations

1RAV: Realisable Asset Value; as at 31 Dec 2023




6-yr Rolling


  1. Realisable Asset Value (“RAV”) – Market value of all equities, securities and cash held; where no market price is available, an estimate of value is used.
  2. Net Asset Value (“NAV”) – RAV less total liabilities

Our Investment Portfolio
by the Numbers

We invest in a diverse range of local and global assets under our Investments Portfolio with the aim of generating maximum long-term risk-adjusted returns and growing our financial assets.

Despite facing significant macroeconomic challenges over the last few years, such as rising inflationary pressure, aggressive monetary tightening by the US Federal Reserve, and the ongoing energy crisis resulting from the Russia-Ukraine war, our portfolio performance demonstrated resilience. Our proactive approach to portfolio diversification played a crucial role in mitigating the impact of the economic downturn.

Our investments in Real Assets and Private Equity provided stability, while our focus on companies in Malaysia’s public sector yielded strong returns, highlighting the value of our long-term growth and value creation strategy.