Media & Muat Turun
Siaran Akhbar

8 Disember 2006

Malaysia Director’s Academy FAQ

One of the main policy thrusts of the GLC Transformation (“GLCT”) Programme is the need to upgrade the effectiveness of GLC Boards through learning which led to the establishment of the MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY.
MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY aims to address Board performance by equipping Directors of GLCs with world class knowledge, skills and mindset to perform to a consistently high standard. To be an effective Director, performance is critical. This includes understanding the boundaries between Board and management, active problem solving with both the Board and key management on strategic issues, whilst leveraging networks and managing multiple stakeholders in a proactive manner.
For new and potential Directors, the transition from a Management role into a Director’s role and all its implications have to be addressed in a holistic manner. With the evolving strategic, operational and geographic priorities of many GLCs, they require Directors that have deep commercial, functional, geographical and/or relevant industry skills, knowledge and experiences.
MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY seeks to address this by delivering four integrated functions in a distinctive way, namely:

  1. Facilitate sharing of learnings through forums, linkages and databases of best practices to build Directors’ capabilities;
  2. Research and develop Malaysian-related case studies to assist Directors in building knowledge on how to handle specific situations;
  3. Arrange “on-the-job” learning and coaching which will be customised to an individual Director’s needs; and
  4. Enhance existing training and development programmes to meet the needs of Directors.

MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY recognises the different types of Directors and the complexities of their roles and relationships. Therefore, the learning interventions to be designed and developed by MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY would cater for the differing roles and issues relevant to each category.
MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY seeks to provide programmes which are of world-class status, tailored specifically for Directors. To achieve this, MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY will collaborate with leading international institutions that specialise in designing and deploying programmes at Director’s level. At the local front, MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY will collaborate with local institution with the aim of building capacity and capability.
Can non-GLC Directors participate in MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY programmes?
MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY’s initial focus will be on designing and deploying flagship programmes tailored specifically for GLC Directors. Once this has been achieved, MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY will consider expanding a nd deploying programmes for other Directors.
Has MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY identified its partner(s)?
For its Flagship Programmes, MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY is partnering with IMD – The International Institute for Management Development based in Lausanne, Switzerland. IMD is the leading provider of executive education and was ranked 2nd in the world and 1st amongst European business schools for the overall quality of its programmes in the 2006 Financial Times rankings. IMD was also ranked 1st worldwide for its MBA programme in the 2005 Wall Street Journal rankings. MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY is also in discussions currently with other local and international institutions to identify potential areas for collaboration.
How does MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY aim to build local capacity and capability?
This will be done through numerous means including 1) partnering with local institutions in deploying MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY’s Flagship Programmes with the aim of collaboration and transferring knowledge; 2) collaborating on local and regional research and case study development as means for knowledge sharing and personal development; 3) developing customised programmes that address local and regional development needs; and 4) proposing “Centers of Excellence” among local institutions to reduce duplication, encourage specialisation and increase scalability
Isn’t MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY similar to other executive learning institutions in Malaysia eg. ICLIF, MICG?
MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY’s target group are GLC Directors and not Management. The programmes to be deployed are tailored specifically for Directors covering areas such as performance and leadership requirements, strategy and organizational development, global trends and challenges, etc. from a Director’s perspective. MALAYSIAN DIRECTORS ACADEMY is also looking at working with local institutions to optimize programmes deployed in Malaysia and would seek to avoid duplicity

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