K-Youth Accelerate

It is a short-term programme that are effective, flexible, and focused on transforming youth into industry-ready professionals.

Aims to bridge the gap between skills training and employment, offering trainees with a pathway to gainful employment by ensuring they possess the necessary qualifications, as well as facilitating their entry into the workforce.

For school leavers, diploma up to degree holders from any background, who are unemployed and willing to work.

Focus Areas

Khazanah’s focus will be on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to support:


Eligible for SPM leavers, diploma and degree holders from any discipline or background, who are currently unemployed and willing to work in the focus areas specified above.

Programme Partners

This programme is supported by our appointed programme partners who will be managing the participants throughout.

For more information and inquiries, email us at k-youth@khazanah.com.my